Lycra experience.

So we had a drive out into the dales.
Spotted lots of yellow bikes here, there and seemingly everywhere.
Called at a tea room in Pateley Bridge.
It was heaving.
We were the only people in there not wearing Lycra or studying 'the route'.

Although we were the only ones not having bloody humongous pieces of cake. (That's cos the waitress forgot to come and ask us if we wanted cake - we did but the surrounding divvies were doing our heads and we needed to get out of there quick).
Fit freaks? I think not.

Seems we have turned into a nation of wannabe cyclists. All thanks to the Tour de France. Roll on the 7th July.

(Just for the record I'm not opposed to cyclists, or the Tour de France. Just loud, daft people who were dressed like divs, covered in chain oil and spouting off about their heart rate and hills. And then eating slabs of Victoria sponge).

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