Goodbye to Big Pebble Beach

And Ilyas our favourite seaside café maître d', who creates characters to amuse us. Today he emerged from the sea like a Turkish Daniel Craig (James Bond) to serve us. Last year he would greet us with a cheery "Welcome, I am Turkish Ben Affleck (the next Batman)". This is one of the reasons we love this little seaside town, the people are so friendly in a natural way. He is looking after our kayak till the next time. It went across the bay to the Greek Island of Meis, Kastellorizo this early morning. What a beautiful tiny, colourful port. We have to leave at 1am to catch our flight at 6:30am! That is the reason this place remains relatively unspoilt it is 3 hours from the nearest airport.

Have a drink on me for all the lovely comments, stars and faves while we have been in the sunshine, thank you.

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