
By FullardDays

When your brother is sleeping!

This collage is of Annie playing with Arthur's favourite things whilst he napped. The cheekiness of her face shows that she fully realises how naughty she is being yet she's fully confident that what he doesn't know can't hurt him ;)

We went swimming as normal this morning. Arthur was his normal splashy self and Annie put in more effort than normal with some good kicking and arm strokes.

In the afternoon I went to Annabel's baby shower which was held at Poppy's, a vintage tea room in st Neots. I feel a little sick now after eating so many sweet things. Annabel seems very calm and collected- much more so than I would be knowing that I was having twins!

Whilst I was gone, Giles played with the children in the garden. I came home to a very tired and clingy Arthur and an Annie covered from head to toe in her tea - a green mushy concoction from a jar!

Baths and bed followed and Giles and I have now sat down to watch a film from Netflix. Giles is scrolling through the options- funny that there is nothing I want to watch at all!

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