Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

The First Rose Of Summer

So, I've been looking at all the trays and pots of plants that mum and I bought last Tuesday and thinking 'I really should do something with those' so today I decided I would get on with it. 5 minutes later I was on the phone to my mum;
'Which plants am I supposed to put in the hanging basket?' 'What am I supposed to do with the bedding plants that are already in the pots but not flowering?' Do you remember a Pot with yellow things in it, which is now just twigs, what shall I do with them?
So pathetic.
Mum's coming tomorrow to do them for me.

On a more positive note, I have a rose!!!! One single flower on a bush at the side of the house. I am very proud :)

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