Party Girl

Miss E came bursting into our room this morning shouting "It's Miss L's party today, it's Miss L's party!!!!"
Miss L is her friend from school who was celebrating her sixth birthday along with her twin sister Miss M.
She has been so excited about it and lay out her outfit on the floor last night!!
I had a massively productive morning before we went to the party. We have a big bookcase in the dining room which over the years has become the dumping ground for anything we couldn't quite find another home for. Candles, staplers, the Little Misses' Red Books, broken musical boxes, curtain pole finials, a bag of fir cones(!), maps, significant newspapers to name just a few!
It was half books and half random crap!
I took everything off it, polished the shelves, dusted the books and put them all back and found homes for all the other things.
Well most of the other things - I ran out of time!!!
I also gathered up loads of homeless books from around the house and finally gave them somewhere to live!
It sounds such a little thing but it feels like a massive achievement. The bookcase is a bookcase again and a job that I've been meaning to do for months - pretty much every time I looked at it! - is done. Woohoo!!
For all of you with normal tidy houses I must sound so pathetic!!
Tomorrow I may tackle the airing cupboard.......
The party was really good. It was at a pottery painting place in Milton Keynes which Miss E loves. It was just girls and they seemed to have a fun time.
I dropped her off and went to the supermarket and PoundStretcher for a few essentials and buckets, spades, fishing nets and a frisby!
Then I headed back to the party, drank tea and chatted to other mums for an hour or so. Very nice!
Roast lamb followed by a scoot up to the park for an hour in the sun before bed and our day was done.
Well the Little Misses' day is done. Mr K and I have an appointment with the sofa and Fargo!

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