As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

It arrived.....

The snow finally arrived today at 11.30am. By about 1.20pm this was the scene and by the time I was walking back into town the pavements were horrible - slushy gutters and slippy pavements. Who knows what joys I will endure on my walk round to the bus-stop in the morning.

For now I won't ponder that - it's something out of my control so I'll tackle that task in the morning.

Meanwhile this is the road where my office is located - just past the red van on the left. Not a bad location - squirrels, jays, mouse hunting cats - it's quite lively there and all those trees are Horse Chestnuts - well most of them - so it's a road of pretty blossom come springtime and irristible conkers later on in the year. A tad scary when it's windy at conker time as they do tend to fall at an alarming rate but so far I've not had one land on my head - it'll happen one day though....

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