All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Gone Fishing!

Ethan slept till 8.30am today .... which would normally be considered a mammoth lie-in if it hadn't been for his 10.30pm bedtime last night!

I woke up feeling rotten though - think I might have got food poisoning but put it this way there was no way I was leaving the house today.

So, hubbie and Ethan had a tv morning, then decided to go fishing. Hubbie bought a fishing rod a few weeks ago and ever since Ethan saw it, he has been desperate to go fishing. So today was the day - shame about the torrential rain and thunder! Sounds like they had fun though and they also went to Boness to watch the steam trains. I tasked hubbie with taking the camera and getting todays blip for me but this is the best of a bad bunch of photos - Ethan posing with a silly face!

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