
By DancingAly


Another busy Sunday. I had a nice lie in until 10:30am- well that's what Sundays are for! I actually woke up at 6am as the sun streamed in, and it was hard to get back to sleep.

While I was getting ready, the doorbell went. Last night, about 11pm when I was sitting downstairs, I heard on the adjoining wall, the unmistakable sound of a puppy barking. I hadn't heard it before, and assumed my neighbours were having the first night at home syndrome, with puppy trapped in the kitchen for the night! It went on for nearly an hour, and it tore at my heart! I heard it again this morning, but didn't hear a peep all night. I was putting my make-up on when the doorbell went, and not expecting anyone, I looked out the window to see who it was. I saw a man walking back up my steps, and in his arms were two furry paws sticking out! I rushed down to see them. The man brought him over to apologise and explain. It was his first night, and he was a light coloured labrador puppy called Brody- aka, my dog-neighbour! He was gorgeous and I told the guy I didn't mind. I thought it was nice he came over to apologise, but there wasn't any problem. I remember how our Little B used to do that his first few nights with us.

When I had done all my jobs, I went to mum's. They've gone to a wedding in London today, and they're staying overnight, so I'm staying at their house to supervise :-) Ro and I went into Windsor to hit the shops, which was where we took this picture. My credit card took a bit of a whack- I really need to stop spending. I bought a couple of sweaters from Superdry and a cute pink sofa cushion from Cocoa Bean. We stopped for lunch in Pret, and then went home. While we were out I was asked if I was a student, and also if Ro and I were twins! I guess I look youthful then!

Home, quick nap on the sofa, then out to Gym for 7pm. I like this session as it's the perfect way to round off a Sunday. I tried some different things- a handstand to front walkover so that you can practice kicking back into a back walkover. I had a little help from a friend, and I did ok until the last one, when my arm crumpled. I am embarrassed to say that I came down on my shoulder and my face, and was left with carpet burn marks on both! It really hurt! My back walkovers felt better, although I seem to have hurt the nerves in my hip, so it was quite painful.

Had another go at bars. A different coach tried to help me a different way, and it helped a bit. By the end I actually felt better, and they said I did it by myself really. Finished up with Handstand Conditioning- need to do much more of this. At the end my coach massaged and stretched my leg to help the pain- hopefully it will feel fine for Wednesday.

Finally home to mum's for bath and snack. Little B and Ro had been to a barbecue and came home shortly after. Poor B had rolled in fox poop, so he went straight in my bath water! We blow-dryed him but he was too exhausted to run away, and was almost comatose in Ro's lap.

I felt happy at lots of points today. But my mind does turn to someone, and that makes me a little blue. Trying to take it day by day. The gym always gives me a boost, and I'm thankful for that.

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