Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Not really a fan of reality shows, don't mind The Apprentice or a little bit of Strictly (my sexual proclivities!) but the rest you can keep, al next week we have to suffer Britain's Got Talent, now I'm not saying that their all rubbish only that I get sick & tired of everyone thinking they're a star without working for it, the real talent are those professionals who have spent years at their trade & have worked to deserve to have their name in lights. Doesn't work for all, this fellows has spent twenty-seven years busking on streets all around the UK, an unsung hero who deserves the price of a cup of tea for his never say never attitude, if anyone deserves a break its him, would it change him, I don't think so.

MY OTHER CHOICE FOR TODAY , one day I'll get a close up of all this secrecy

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