I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

And the Heavens opened!!

But we all still had fun! Rain doesn't deter this hardy lot. We have been caught up all weekend in what is hopefully going to be the latest addition to the social calander. Lenzie Rugby clubs Mayfest.
It was great to see the club jumping on Saturday with a fantastic game of rugby between Lenzie (and guests), and the Co optimists. Lenzie won and it was a fantastic end to a rather depressing season.
The Sunday was kicked off by the mini selection with tag rugby followed by the compulsory Dad and Lads (and Mums and Lassies!) mass game of touch, The adults are bigger weans than the kids!! The heavens opened and it rained like I haven't seen in a while. It just didn't take time to come down, but the game went on. In the afternoon it brightened and we had a boules competition which "Shade and Sean" did very well in,and managed to get to the final. Looking forward to next years Mayfest already!

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