Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Prepared for the weather

My parents braved the snow to come up and visit for a couple of days (mainly because there was a car full of stuff I'd said I'd take from their house but that's not the point). Having been given an ETA The Boy and I donned our outside clothes and headed up to the canal ready for their arrival.

I was so disappointed that the canal has now frozen to a stage where the ducks and swans have moved off to open water and only a few moorhen and gulls remain. Whilst trying to get a few shots, this happy chap on his cross country skis. There's a number of people seem to go cross country skiing along the canal, it's a lovely sight to see.

As we headed out to IKEA a combination of this sight, the snow and seeing the ski slope really made me want to take a trip out there, it's been years since I last skied. I've also ordered a pair of lovely insulated boots, hopefully they'll arrive whilst the cold weather is still upon us.

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