A Peep Thru the Pinhole

By Brian1943

Forest glade

A bit 0f a cop-out this one. For the first time since we've lived in this area (about eight years) we decided to visit the Clent Hills, a National Trust location to the south-west of Birmingham. When we arrived the car park was full and the narrow road leading to the site was lined with cars as well. So, we parked briefly in a makeshift lay-by and pondered what to do. This photo was taken just a few yards away from where we parked, and then we ventured on foot into the official car park with the intention of exploring further - and abandoned the idea PDQ. Decision made; we will return on a non bank holiday, on a weekday, when it might be a bit more peaceful and less crowded. Plus, we will remember to wear the right shoes for walking on soggy tracks. It looks like a place worth returning to though.

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