RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Tournament Travel

We are once again traveling to Acapulco for the State Volleyball Games for Master and Golden women. We attended this same tournament last year with many of the same players. Being around these women takes me back to my 20 year career as a high school volleyball coach and the hundreds of bus trips I endured during that time. Even though many of these women have kids of high school age (or older) they all act like teenagers once they get on the road. Sing alongs, camp games, constant laughter and tons of photos (like the one in progress here). The only difference is that there are usually a few family members along in the bus (four younger children this trip) and the team can legally celebrate victories with a cold beer. Come tomorrow, we will hopefully have many victories worth celebrating. One celebratory note already, this year's bus has air conditioning (of a kind) rather than last year's which had only an open window.

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