Starling aggression

Weather was fine today and I should have done some gardening - but I just wasn't in the mood. Just pottered about until it was time to go to slimming club. Not many there this week due to the Bank Hol. I put on a pound. Hopefully it will come straight back off again.

Neil came back from Edinburgh this morning and he had to go straight to work. He finished at 5pm and came here. I cooked him a meal and he is resting in bed at the moment. He is knackered. Luckily he now has 2 days off to try and recover from his marathon.

Tino and Lily have spent most of the day outdoors in the enclosure. They love to sit and watch the birds and chitter chatter at them. The birds mostly ignore them but this Starling decided to show its annoyance. It looks really aggressive.

Little known fact? ................. On 27 May 1784 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart purchased a starling. Three years later when it died he buried it with much ceremony. Heavily veiled mourners marched in a procession, sang hymns, and listened to a graveside recitation of a poem Mozart had composed for the occasion.

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