Topped off with cake!

Still down in Portsmouth with my Ex (sister in law) and have had the nicest weekend.

We have been very well fed, watered and entertained. Even the toast for breakfast was a treat as it was made for me! (Mr W doesn't cook - like EVER!)
After a fabulous roast, we popped off to Southsea to the Royal Marines Museum. Bought back memories for Mr W and he and Steve (ex brother in law) share a genuine interest there as he hangs about on ships and submarines.

The day was finished off at the 10th Hole, a cafe with the biggest portions of cake EVER!!! (Not sure how Mr W managed 2 portions -I'm still burping cake 4 hours later!)

Home now just spending some time thinking about my Baby Jessica. It's her birthday today. A birthday that came a little bit too early. Couldn't not mention her.


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