My Room

My name tag from the wedding.

Had a pish day, virtually no sleep last night, dropped the kids off at school, shopping, came home, slept from 10am to 3pm, feeling all stressed & depressed. I think I was stunned by what happened at Easter Road yesterday. Overnight the true reality had sunk in. We're utterly well and truly fucked.

After I slept, I cheered up. Went and got the kids, homework, washing, lunches, went out in the garden, played tig & football for 45 minutes then up, stories & bed.

Phone call next, then shower, then bed and back to work tomorrow.

Could do with a week where I do absolutely nothing but sleep and eat. Proper restorative shit.

Some backflips:

Auntie Mary
Wee Ding
Hot Chicks
Drain Me
A lovely cup of tea, father?
You thought it couldn't get worse?

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