He's a good boy ;)

"Col, please can you help me Blip?"
"Yeah, you're not going to make me look like an idiot though, are you??"
"What?? No, of course not!!!"

It's been a bit of a crafty day, the girls had iPads and the TV (well remote) confiscated by 10am so we got out the crochet bits, made crystals, read....! It was very nice!! May then watched BGT with Lois upstairs, although Lois was at her house and May was in my bed.... Whilst face timing on her iPad and watching TV.... I'm rubbish at following through with things!!!

The Blip!!! With Summer coming up I thought I would crochet Elliot a novelty winter hat!!! I think I might have read the pattern slightly wrong.... However, Colin now has a new hat and I'm sure you'll agree he doesn't look an idiot in it!!!!!!

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