ozzy & betty

ozzy is a bugger for wandering off and not coming back for days. we were pleased to see him tonight after the kids spent half an hour shouting on him like banshees. he appeared eventually so that must mean he quite likes the kids and he was starving. here he is licking his lips.

such a nice day today.

we were up early and into the train station for 7.25am on the dot for beth's train to london, then the eurostar to paris. she was all nervy, and refused to let me take a photo of her - how cruel to deny a blipping mother her photo! teenagers eh...

hope she has an ace time, we're missing her already...I think I might go and try out all her make-up and nail polish she hides in her room while she's gone. watch a bit of telly in her bed, spray on a bit of her perfume.

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