shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka


I was back down in Ayrshire today, visiting my sister, who is now in the not unfamiliar to an island resident with a complicated pregnancy situation of being discharged from hospital, but not allowed to go home! She will be staying at Crosshouse until the baby comes, so hopefully for the next several months. At least she is now allowed to leave the hospital area, and go into Kilmarnock for short trips to relieve the boredom. Her room does overlook the helipad though, so she won't miss anything that is going on! She showed me this today, which had made her laugh very hard. This is the back of an 'appointment card' given to her with the time, date and place (rather cryptically written) of her next appointment downstairs. To be fair the other side does have a sticker with her hospital barcode and personal info on it, making it look vaguely official, but it is still on a bit of scrap paper. If this is what Crosshouse are using as scrap paper, the various local authorities in Ayrshire are being very cooperative with their paper recycling!

The other oddity is the fact that there is a nice courtyard garden area with lots of benches in the middle of the maternity unit that you're not allowed into, you can just look at through the windows! There are a grand total of 2 benches that you can go and sit on that aren't in a smoking area (we went to find them today, and managed it, my sister was sure she remembered them from when she was up with Mum for a diabetic thing). And that's for the entire hospital, not just the maternity unit, and they are over on the other side of the main hospital, apparently even the nurses think it's a nightmare. It just seems such a waste to have so few places to sit outside, surely many of the patients would like to be able to get some fresh air from time to time!?

Backblipped the last few days after getting almost back to rights on Saturday, I am now up to date. Won't last long I'm sure!

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