View from the garden gate
Yesterday's Lemsips (and 19.5 hours sleep) seem to have done the'll be 'back to the fray' tomorrow. But I won't be going far today....there's still a lot of snow/ice lying and more heavy falls forecast for this afternoon. So I thought I'd do a straightforward 'placement shot' while the sun was shining.....this, then, is the view from my front garden gate looking towards the North Sea. That black railing immediately in front of the sea is where (near enough) I've snapped many a hardy fisherman, dog walker, strollers, waves and general lower promenade action (probably 100ft below, I'm not good with heights!) in all you can see, it's not too far to totter! And can I just say, I'm LOVING this new camera, it's even managed to make this boring shot look good!!
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