Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Rain rain go away

Another cold, damp and drizzly day. Where did all the sunshine and 25 degree heat go? I've put the heating back on....brrrr!

We met up with Nana and my sister in law at soft play this morning, after a long drive to pick up an eBay purchase and back. It didn't look far on the map but when you are stuck going only 40mph it takes blooming ages! Once we arrived at soft play however the kids were off like a shot and we only saw them when they wanted either food or drink. Us ladies (and A) sat and had coffee and good old natter.

After two hours of playing we decided it was probably time to go home, however P didn't like this idea and threw a bit of a wobbler. I had to bribe her with the promise of doing some painting in the afternoon. This did the trick and we trundled off home. But no surprises, as soon as she woke from her nap she said "mummy, I want to do some painting" .......that child has a very good memory!

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