Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

I love my bunnies

Terrifying afternoon.

I went to put the little bunnies to bed, Magic was sitting in the run but no Kirk. We checked his normal fave spots when he escapes still no sign, I was starting to panic, had no idea how long he'd been out and well we have no divide at all between us and one neighbour and their garden isn't secure and not all of the hedge on the other side is bunny proof which leads to our other neighbour overgrown section of garden, either which way you can then get to the scrub land behind our house, or access could have been gained to the road. Oh and there are foxes.

I went out and checked the road, no sign so back to the garden calling and shaking the food cup with the magic bunny nuggets, hear a noise, shhhh oh Ulysses you are not helping, as a tabby cat emerges from the hedge. Mr Mouse starts another sweep working his way down the garden and Kirk was spotted by the hedge between the shed and the er other shed - Mr Mouse sent off to get a nana to see if we could tempt him. He hops around the back of the shed towards the wildlife pond dashes into the tunnel, spots me and tries to run back but I am at the other end of the tunnel so he makes a break for it heading back to the enclosure (he knows where home is) only we've blocked the hole. Cornered. Bunny nuggets on side, nana on the other, he tries to make another run, anything is better than being picked up. I catch him and swiftly deposit him back in the bunny enclosure.

They are then herded into the hutch. Extra bunny nuggets for both and a bit of nana.

I was almost at the point of breaking down in tears just before we found him. I am so glad he is home and safe.

Jeeves and Wooster though obvious of the drama, but they did some binkies for me.

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