Abbaye de Saint-Amand-de-Coly

Today's been a difficult day for photos. I took some shots in the village this morning and there are a few nice ones but they're very similar to the one I posted yesterday or they're a bit lacking sky as it was quite a misty morning. We went out to Montignac this morning and had a wander around the town. I took quite a few shots with my little camera but for some reason they're all very noisy and I didn't want to use any of them. We went to the Commanderie, a beautiful old Templar building now a hotel and restaurant in Condat for lunch and I took a few more shots in the grounds but taken with little cam, they're as noisy as the others. Oh well, I thought after supper, it's a beautiful evening, I'll nip out for something new. Lucy, our hosts' daughter told me about a ruined abbey nearby so I went up there and took some shots in lovely evening light and returned home. I opened up the computer to download and it tells me it's recovered from an error and to hold on while it sorts itself out. I held on ... and I held on ... and nothing's happening. This da**** MacBook has deleted its innards again and is presently downloading it's operating system once more (10 hrs 37 minutes to go). I can't believe that and it's going in the bin when I get home. Anyway I've managed to download some pics to my iPad and so here straight out of camera with no fiddling (can't believe I'm saying that) is the front gate of the Abbaye Saint Armand de Coly with the tower behind it. I hope you'll like it. David

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