Stuff I've Seen & That

By trevtrev72

So I was wrong about ambiguity, as it turns out people actually did quite like me. Had some quite nice reviews if my time and they would have been happy for me to stay.

Had a great wee lunch at the sports bar, it was poor service, but that meant we had to stay longer and just chat. So that was actually really great.

Had a nice wee review of my attitude and work and that dirt of let me know where I stood. That is the problem most of the time as an intern. Having no idea his you're doing or if people like you.

2 Cs was crazy, absolutely mental, Steven is an absolute champion. Our performance involved bacon, lady gaga, topless men, umbrellas and a repurposed coffee trolley. I doubt I'll experience much like it. Great experience all in all.

After a few drinks I jumped on a train and was off to fal.

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