Every New Beginning

comes from some other beginning's end... YEAH

Semisonic - Closing Time

That old feeling on the drive home tonight - the need to push things just a bit harder.

Lusty feeling pushing on the accelerator on the 'S' shaped on-ramp to the autostrada. Big tires kept things well in check and the nose stayed in line while the rear stepped ever so slightly out. Then the race off the ramp was over with a big semi looming in front of me and the foot let up to feel the full push on the front tires grow while the tail lightened and stepped back to the inside.

Must be a genetic trait in us males... the need to test and push and explore. Little JC is pushing on his mommies tummy every night and flexing his legs and arms. Won't be long now before he is pushing and testing me!

haha! g-nite

ps, thanks to everyone who has continued to stop by my journal in these past weeks and months! I don't know how to thank you enough and I just can't seem to find the time to make a good go of being regular on comments.

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