Workmen Busily Resurfacing The Road!!!

They must have been stood there playing with their phones and chatting for about an hour before one of them finally got his turn at jumping up into the truck and driving it!!
It wasn't a real resurfacing they were doing, only spreading the stones and giving them a wee spray of tar. I always wonder why they bother with this. It does nothing for the road surface other than make it a unified color! All the dints and bumps still remain, infact they become worse due to the level of the road being build up a layer higher than the drains and manholes!! Would it not be more cost effective to wait and resurface properly?
Anyway, I did enjoy watching one wee boy's pleasure as he stopped to watch exactly what each truck was doing. His mom was very patient and even seemed happy to walk up and down the road a couple times for him to inspect the proceedings more carefully. :)

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