The Colour of Winter, Lake Hayes

Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof and that’s the very least I can do about your wonderful response to “The Morning After………” yesterday.
I am pleased that so many showed concern for The Boss’s restrictive traits but I suppose with all that camera gear balanced on a tripod it really doesn’t need my enthusiastic approach to life added to the mix. NOT that I have ever knocked anything over Errrr….Except The Boss but??...Do Tripods bleed?

Right…Off that subject.

Today however The Bossess departed for Windy Wellington on a propeller driven plane, which she is not that enthusiastic about especially with Gale winds forecast and The Boss was very happy not to be on it. This all took place over the hill in Queenstown and those that kno will recognise Lake Hayes and those that don’t, wont. I DID as I have had many a blatathon on the walking track that surrounds this lovely setting and I got into Hi C sharp as The Boss pulled into the parking area and then got out with his camera, walked past 127 1/2 non English tourists ( one of them was bound to speak a little) and walked down the hill a bit ON THE GRASS…Oh My…..and clunked away. The grass had been under 15 cm of snow and was as you would expect…soggy. In contrast to all this, the temperature soured to 20 C as we drove home via Cromwell the sun being off the Crown Range by then.

Anyway...Oh Yes outside the wind (Northerly) is howling and the house that yesterday was chilly without heating is nicely now thank you. Funny old Sheep (wether) and barking about that I watched the movie Dean Spanley a week ago and it did appear that he chased sheep in another life and that had not been a good thing to do. Point taken. So leave the wether alone…Right!
Woof…It was a grrreat movie however and had dogs in it.

Generally larger?

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