A Mith...
..That's what they've known as in this house, since titanasaurs.
I don't know why (or who started this bit of nonsense).
I've had little time for photo fun today.
Shame; I like getting soaked in the bushes rainy images.
I'm seeking some discontinued kitchen cupboard doors :-/
(For a teeny new cupboard. Or Two).
I wonder who decides: 'No one should be allowed to even want these doors.
We'll discontinue them at once, and save the fashion police a job'???
Someone who has shares in glossy new kitchens I suspect.
Shiny (wealthy?) businesses are full of helpful suggestions.
Like (horror) 'It's easy, change all the existing doors'.
(All 36? But they're only four years old.
We might be old-fashioned (?)
but in our house, that's Brand Spanking Squeakingly Still Got the Cling-Film On New).
I shall find a solution.
And it won't be 40 new kitchen cupboard doors :-)
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