
By SLPlearning

Choose Learning

I was having a tea break with some bonios and biscuits this afternoon, after reading up on the research we heard about at last week’s statement of ambition for adult learning launch.

It was great to hear from research colleagues that the evidence is quite clear that adult learning has its greatest impacts in the domain of health and mental health. However, it’s the non-formal learning that has significant impacts in this domain. Their research also highlights that non-health related impacts of adult learning tend to cluster around job-related or labour market outcomes.

It wasn’t news to us as we knew this already but it was interesting that it did help some people make some arguments for their future funding. Good luck all in your local negotiations. We’re delighted that you found the speakers information useful.

I was chatting with some of the SLP team today and I heard a quote that I thought summed up what we're all hoping for.

'Creating a better world requires teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration, as we need an entire army of companies to work together to build a better world within the next few decades. This means corporations must embrace the benefits of cooperating with one another.'
Simon Mainwaring

Murphy signing off till next week.

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