And Now the News (from 1914)
Thank you SO much for all the lovely comments and stars etc. yesterday. I was amazed to find myself on the Spotlight page, so it was really, really special. Thank you.
I took the children over to see my Great Aunt May who turned 100 on the 1st May. Poppy was keen to see her as the 100th birthday party had been on a school day and the children missed it. Alfie wasn't so keen. I had to prise him out of the car.
They were quite interested in the copy of the Cambridge Daily News dated 1st May 1914 and spent a little while poring over the adverts and articles together. Here is a rare moment where I believe they might actually be touching. Alf doesn't normally like to get this close to his sister.
Took them to the Linton kitchen for lunch then we came home for a quiet afternoon.
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