
By scribbler

All-New Map

"All-New Hammond World Atlas" (vol. 2), published by Newsweek, 1994.
The pitcher is from India and the rug is from China.

My friend Linda got this pitcher in India on her way back from trekking in Nepal.
I bought the rug in Tianjin, China, straight out of the factory.
The map books (map pamphlets, more like) appear to have been a giveaway with a magazine subscription. Volume 1 is the Americas (of course) plus Australia, NZ, and the Pacific Islands; Volume 2 is Europe, Asia, and Africa. They take up hardly any room, weigh next to nothing, and usually have just what I need. I'm quite merry about the maps I have left and the ones I gave away.

I think it's hilarious, though, to name an atlas "All-New"! That's usually not true for more than a couple of weeks.



DDW: Where I Live
I live in my travel memories.



If the shoe fits ....


by Franklin Pierce Adams (1881–1960)

Will you read my little pome,
O you girls returnèd home
From a summertime of sport
At the Jolliest Resort,
From a Heated Term of joys
Far from urban dust and noise?

You I speak to in this rhyme,
You have had a Glorious Time
Swimming, golfing, bridging, dancing,
Riding, tennising, romancing,
On the springboard, on the raft—
You’ve been often photographed.

At the place you have forsaken,
You have had some pictures taken,
Pictures taken of you dancing,
Riding, tennising, romancing,
Swimming, golfing, and reclining;
Snacking, luncheoning, and dining.

Cometh now my brief advice;
Ladies, be ye ne’er so nice,
Be ye ne’er so fascinating,
Luring, drawing, captivating,
If with interest you’d imbue us,
Do not show those pictures to us!

Snapshots of the links and lawn
Cause in many of us a yawn;
(As for me myself, why, I’m
Glad to see ’em any time)
But—I give it to you square—
Lots of people do not care.

"Adams will be remembered for the manner in which he impudently and cleverly scrutinized the world. "
— Poetry Foundation website

More about the poet here.

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