Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

One way to get rid of clutter

So the pulling ourselves up to standing is in full force and neither seems to be getting bored of it!
Isaac managed to fall on to the hearth this morning whilst pulling himself up and has a lovely bruise.
It's all I seem to hear at the mo a bit of huffing and puffing, some happy shouting or table banging then a gentle thud and a cry!!!
Quick cuddle and all is well.
Both boys are trying to figure out how to stand up by themselves we get a three limb balance a wiggle and some pushing them we go back to crawling or whatever it was we were doing.
Our sleep seems to be going back to normal they have gone off ok for the last two nights in a row. Woke up just before 10 last night a quick cuddle and off they went again. Woke at 4:30 tho!!! Think wet nappies were the problem but a little milk was required. Isaac went off on his own but Elliot ended up in bed with us. They both slept till gone 7 then.

We are already using baby dry (12 hour nappies), but they both sleep on their fronts and I think this is causing excessive pooling in the front!! Also they wee a lot at night! Must remember to ask HV about it.

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