
By grounded

Snow Speeding?

Hubby and I looked out at a winter wonderland this morning. I called work to say I wasn't coming in and we wrapped up and walked into town for hubby's dental appointment. After which we grabbed a Starbucks. Town was so quiet and only the odd car out and about (of which we helped push a few that were stuck)! Oh and there were plenty of loaves of bread in M&S so I grabbed one! No panic buying for me!

After getting home and having a short rest, we did it all again to meet a friend for a nice leisurely lunch in Strada with a glass of wine! On the way home I was amused to see the traffic camera had been "Snowballed" so I don't think it caught any offenders today. Not that any were going fast enough to trigger it!

Just after we got home the second time, it started really coming down again in huge flakes. So I ran a bath, had a soak, and then chilled.

As I write this, the temperature in plummeting below -4C, no work tomorrow for me!

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