
By chantler63

Blue Cockerel

This striking piece of art is on top of the fourth column in Trafalgar Square. It is somewhat incongruous but very merry to see. On such a grey day it was very much a splash of colour. I liked it.

I was on my way to the David Bailey exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. I have been once already but wanted to see it again before it closes. Some of his work I find inspirational. Other portraits I feel that if I had done them they wouldn't get a second glance!

I also went to Tate Modern to see the Matisse collection - stunning. I will try to go again before that closes in September. When I get a moment I will give that sort of work a go in Photoshop - cut-outs in a different medium.

I was exhausted after all the trekking round London (found some wonderful graffiti near Waterloo) and went to sleep on the train. I woke to find the train in my station - empty! I did get off before it trundled its way back to London!!!

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