Gwydr lliw

Ymwelais i ag Eglwys Dewi Sant eto heddiw. Mae'n agor bob dydd Mercher i'r cyhoedd. Dw i'n hoffi hen eglwysi ac y siawns i gwrdd â'r bobl gyfeillgar yna sy'n siarad yng Nghymraeg. Roedd e'n dda i jyst eistedd yna mewn awyrgylch dawel. Edmygais i'r sgil o'r bobl a greodd y gwydr lliw. Mae'n ffordd wych i ddangos a dathlu eu ffydd

I visited St. David's Church again today. It is open to the public every Wednesday. I like old churches and the chance to meet the friendly people there who speak Welsh. It was good to just sit there in a quiet atmosphere. I admired the skill of the people who created the stained glass. It's a great way to illustrate and celebrate their faith

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