
By kevinG

Show is a Funny Word

Before school started I ran outside to get myself interviewed. I walked to Phil's Pizza and asked the Pix 11 woman if she needed to interview someone. She said she already had.

That was a bummer.

However, when walking back to school a different newscaster stopped me and interviewed me. I don't know what channel; it was a plain black van. I hope I get on though...

I had tuna for lunch again. Yay.

Nick Fiscilla judged me hard but failed to articulate his points.

I took this picture during 9th period when we went to the Art Show. I climbed up on the bleachers and took it when Mrs. Librett left (she told me not to).

After school I had a pudding cup and my mom made me a steak.

I read all of Aunt Diane's book and critiqued it (it's still in an early stage). I was on the phone with her for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Then I went straight to the Art Show where I systematically looked at every art board until completion.

I left with Dad and we went to Thom Thom (I think that's the spelling) where I ate probably the best sushi I've ever eaten.

Then I came to Park and now I'm going to sleep.


Today's Random Thoughts:

If you walk by me, please just say "Hi!" or "Hi Kevin!" or even "Kevin G!!" and keep walking.

Do not, however, then say "How's your day?" or "How's life?" or even "How's your mom/sister/dad/dog/neighbor/cousin/belt buckle collection?"

Here's why.

Because you're walking by me, I don't have time to answer your question or reciprocate your gesture. I'll always end up saying "Great!" or "Really good!" or "Pretty good," then I'll keep on walking whether or not this is a factual answer.

What if my belt buckle collection was destroyed in a storm? You'd never know.

So if you know all you'll get in response is a "Good," what's the point of asking?

Or maybe that's just what you're going for...

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