Mind the (Generation) Gap

Contrasting waiting styles at Charles de Gaulle Aeroport this morning, the beginning of a very long day of travel for us, not including waiting time in airports:
-- 3-hour flight from Paris to Iceland
-- 7.5-hour flight from Iceland to Seattle
-- 2+-hour bus journey from Seattle to Bellingham

We opened our front door at 9:30pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time, nine hours behind Paris, where it was 6:30am on Thursday morning.

Now it's after 11:00pm here, and I'm fading fast. Too many numbers above, but the words just aren't flowing! Good night, all.

(Addendum, early Thursday morning: I identify with the man above, as I still prefer reading books and magazines to reading on electronic devices, but I have to admit that on our very long travel day, I enjoyed reading over Phil's shoulder during part of that journey a novel he'd downloaded to his iPad.)

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