Tough girls....

Thursday night is netball practise night for Ella and her team.

It is at the not the most convenient time of 5.30-7pm...down at the Hagley Park courts where they play on a Saturday. As we are heading into winter it is dark, and usually cold!
Tonight was exactly that....the weather forecast this morning was bang on correct. The day started lovely, almost warm and then the late afternoon Southerly came in just on schedule and by practise time it was freezing and rainy with strong winds.

I was hoping it would be cancelled for the girls sake ( or was that mine?), but there was no text from her coach to say so, and it all went ahead.

We have just got home.
I think I am just getting old, as Ella said it was ok, cold but ok!

( I took this shot, and noticed that the courts looked very empty, most weeks there are teams everywhere practising, so SOME coaches must have cancelled!)

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