Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

High Rope

Coo Adventure, just one of the amazing things we did this weekend.

We started of the morning with a very great breakfast, with egg and bacon.
Followed up with our very first assigment of the day: putting babypictures of all of our friends in the right order. It was so much fun to see all those cute kids who used to be us :P

After lunch (worstenbrood!) we drove of to Coo where we were strapped up and instructed to climb trees. It was an amazing, filled with adraneline adventure. Amazing to fly over the trees, like a regular Tarzan.

Getting home to prep the BBQ for dinner. But before we could start.. we had to go upstairs for the assignment we had to do during dinner.
Mine: trading places with our 'mol'. Difficult!
But I had sooooo much fun, trying to trade place with everyone :P

And to top this all of: when it finally got dark we had to use our flashlights to sign messages to each other.

It was amazing. Filled with adrenaline, conspiracies, laughs and louds of fun .

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