It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

All the Gear......

What is it with me? I’m going through a hyper-creative zillion and 10 ideas per-minute phase, followed immediately by “I think the world is going to end” followed by complete balance! The only difference between each is my perception! There must be something in the water in Salford affecting the membrane!

Talking of which, my early birthday present from Rosemary came today, a new wetsuit! My previous one, a top of the range Aquaman one as adorned by Simon Lessing was purchased over 10 years ago. Whilst still functional, the neoprene is starting to break down and it’s getting little nicks far too easily.
My first triathlon of the year is this weekend in and around Coniston water and the nerves are kicking in a little. I was undecided on whether to wear the old or new wetsuit but today in Salford Quays helped me decide....the new one it is! It seems marginally faster and is definitely more flexible around the shoulders.
The swim was fun.....a 400m short loop followed by a 1600m at quasi-race-pace. I went under 27mins so that was good. My fav bit was that I got in a bit of a mock race with another chap. I saw him behind me rounding the final buoy , with him soon getting onto my hip. I relaxed and then put in a small sprint.....he was still there. I managed to drop back and take a draft and then put in an effort when I saw a slow moving woman about 15m ahead. He would either have to swim round her or stop! We went around and then got straight back on my hip. I played the same trick at the final turning buoy, forcing him into the red plastic globe! Boom! The bald man is victorious! Great practice for the race at the weekend!

I continued on back to shore where my trainers were waiting. Off with the suit and I was soon running around Salford slightly soggy in a once piece spandex costume! Even stranger was that no one thought it was too unusual!

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