Clark Tales

By cclark

Jaeger Bomb

The day started as a very melancholy day. I was with Virn in Kincardine doing some DIY. I then went to pop in on the Muirheads for a bit, I was very emotional. Poor Stewart, simply asked if I was okay...I cried. Kerry, bless her, touched my shoulder and said, "oh no, Stewart, give her a hug". She is just not equipped to deal with these things. I adore her for her honesty. Poor bastard, Stewart thought it was his fault. It was not. Just feeling stupidly emotional of late. Sophie was around for plenty of affection.

Virn told me we were definitely going out for the night out she had planned earlier in the week. One of her old uni pals had passed away suddenly. We got sorted and headed out, me driving. She got me smiling beforehand.

It was well worth it. Top 5 nights out, ever. Dancing like an idiot and gererally smiling a lot! Planet was packed, no one wanted the night to end, so we headed to "Chalky's"...old GHQ...same place really lol.

Here's Virn and LB, happy and drunk on sambuca after their Jager's for Morgan!

C x

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