From the Inside

I really risked life and limb taking this shot. We are awaiting some electrical work to be done before we can completely lower the boom on the old house, but in the meantime, it is listing like the Titanic after the iceberg. While the house most definitely needed to come down, I find it sad in its own way. We have many memories associated with this place. While a house is not a living, breathing entity, each house has its own character and personality. At the end of one's service, it's time to reflect on all of its years. We are doing our level best in salvaging and repurposing as much of this old place as possible, so in that way it hasn't died - house reincarnation is a good thing.

I'll blip more about this old place as it comes down, but for now I'm glad I made it out of this place before it decided to exact its own revenge on me under the weight of a crashing roof.

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