
By CharlotteJ

Poll Position!

We have spent today visiting Palais Princier for the changing of the guard and a good old wonder around the old town and around Port Hercule for a bit of boat admiring!
Prince Albert was in residence at the Palace and the changing of the guard was an interesting display of music and marching.
We had a lovely lunch at an off the beaten track restaurant, and then hopped onto a little red train for a trip around the main sights and also takes in part of the F1 route. The F1 stands are being dismantled. It takes 6 weeks to get ready for the Grand Prix and 3 weeks to dismantle everything. 2000 people volunteer to make the race possible.
Weather is a fabulous 25 degrees. Lots of people in the old town due to a cruise ship docking.
I am spoilt for choice of photos today, we have walked a fair distance and my camera has been in constant use! I have a nice pic of Chris driving our car and luck would have it we stopped at the poll position, but for me, the view of the Port has to be in my journal.
We are now back at our apartment and I’m having a little siesta in the sun whilst Chris has to check on some work things before getting ready to head out for dinner.

Tomorrow we plan to drive over the boarder to Italy for the day.


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