Beautiful Bumps

Some of the girls from our NCT group came round to ours for cakes and a catch up. There would usually be 6 of us but one of the girls is ill and the other we think may have a baby on the way, eeek!!
We're all due around a similar time so it's nice to be able to talk pregnancy niggles, worries, excitement etc. knowing we're all in the same boat.

In the evening we had friends Paddy & Amelia over for dinner but unfortunately before dinner was served we had to take a trip to A&E.
Andrew has had stabbing pains in his chest on and off for some time now and we decided it was best to get it checked out. After numerous tests and several doctors we left the hospital at 2 a.m. with a possible diagnosis. Hopefully it's nothing too serious but he's got more tests and investigations before we are sure what the problem might be...

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