Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


100 Days of Summer, day 5 - mixture

We made the most of Auntie Laura being here with the car and so took a road trip to St Albans today to visit Butterfly World. Amelie was in awe of the tropical butterfly house and we all enjoyed a lovely walk through the many little gardens. She didn't want to have her face painted or to hold a giant snail (unusual!)but it was really quite busy so it probably put her off a little. We went back to the tropical butterfly house before we went home again as it was just so lovely, very peaceful if a little hot! Amelie tried so hard to get one to land on her but she just kept moving too much! Isaac was busy socialising and trying to get people to speak to him (which wasn't difficult!). He wasn't that bothered by the butterflies but enjoyed just going up to random flowers and plants and crouching down, exclaiming OH, every time.

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