Driving n sleeping

Poor William didn't have a great night from about one am, he seemed really grumpy and annoyed. Got him some infacol today to see if that helps and also trying to think back to what I had to eat the day before in case this cause him the discomfort.

5am everyone was awake. Thank goodness for the iPad and Netflix.

Managed to take Charlotte swimming today thanks to auntie Sarah being a star and coming along with us to sit with William. So lovely to see Charlotte excited and confident in the water. She swam the length of the training pool unaided.

Home, sleep for both. I did chores, whoop de whoop.

Lunch and then headed out to see a friend via post office.

Home, daddy home, yay.

Daddy on Charlotte bed duty, I have a little man asleep on my shoulder as I type this. We've made a plan for tomorrow- fingers crossed it goes according to plan, Charlotte has also said she would like to see Lucy as we haven't been able to see her all week due to her having chicken pox.

Today's blip, Charlotte driving, William sleeping

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