There and back again

By Mikes

1664 - 2014 350 Years of Service

This year is the 350th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal Marines and if you were in Exmouth this morning you would have seen some 800 Royal Marines "speed march" off down the sea front as part of the celebration that are taking part all over the world.

Speed marches are part of the Commando training and in the final pass out week you are required to complete a 9 mile speed march in 90 minuets carrying about 40 lbs of equipment and be capable of going into battle at the end.

Another part of that week are completing the high rope course (top right) followed by the assault course.

Then there was the scramble course (Bottom Left) that consisted of a two mile cross country course followed by a 4 mile run back to camp where you run straight onto the firing range and fire at (and hit) a target

All that was left then was the 30 miler across Dartmoor !

Believe it or not I was amongst these pictured here and still feel proud of having done it!

Which one am I, well there's telling. You may need the "Large" button for this

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