
By Hamey


I noticed whilst J's Flash was entertaining her in the river (Flash not J) and thought that it was just so complicated and intricate. It was pretty small and strung between a couple of clods of earth.

It also reminded me that it is probably time to do some proper dusting and cleaning at home in case the grandchildren visit!

Today has been spent doing some gardening and there was a choice of the web or a path which I cleared of nettles/weeds etc to enable access to my adjacent property which is being cleared by the deceased tenants relatives. I also realised that I need to make a couple of new gates for the path prior to a new tenant moving in so tomorrows task is to do some measuring and sort out a list of what I will need in the way of timber.

As there is also work to do to the little place including some new doors I really think it is time I invested in a a couple of roof bars for the land rover as it becomes awkward trying to fit things in. Whilst they are brilliant vehicles the short wheelbase models are rubbish for carrying anything over 6' - but please don't tell anyone I said that....!

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