Shiver mi timbers

Today has been a far cry from last Saturdays 5pm lie in!

Mr A was working, so had to be up for noon. He called me lazy as I stayed in bed while he got himself ready good job I know he was joking.

I got up just before he left for work, mainly so I could help him with replacing the fence panels at the front of the house. The blip is of the ones we took out.

After that, it's been a blur! My 'lazy' day has led to me:
Cleaning the whole house
Load of washing done & pegged out
Cleaned the windows
Done the supermarket shop
Pruned the topiary trees back into pyramid formation
Planted a couple of fuchsia bushes out front
Bit of weeding
Watered the garden
Done all the ironing
Blinged another pair of converse

By the time I remembered I'd not eaten anything all day it was 7pm, so it was feet up time with catch up of Fargo whilst I had food.

Tomorrow will be even less of a lazy day as my Dad is putting in his yearly appearance (to drop off my birthday card....even though it's not til Wednesday) which is always an early visit, so the lie in will be out the window!

My legs are almost back to normal today, which I think is why I felt more inclined to get stuff done.

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