
By MelanieMay

It ain't no big deal here in my daddy's Oldsmobile

This is one of my last photos taken in San Antonio. It is taken from the window of the bus heading to the airport and I really like the shot as it sums up America and Americana for me. To me America is the movies and I have no idea what this car is but I can probably list you more than ten movies that I know this car type has been featured. I think it is an Oldsmobile 60 Series from the 1940's onwards, well Google thinks it is this, I actually don't have a clue. I love all things Americana, I love America and I cannot wait to go and live there one day. I loved my time in San Antonio and really want to see more of the Southern States now. I love the history and how all the guys call me Miss or Ma'am. That makes me go weak at the knees. I was in my element over there. Alas though, I didn't find myself a cowboy to tip his hat at me, that is something that I was hoping would have happened whilst there.

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